
Karma Ayurveda Patient Dashmeet Kaur Delhi Complaints, Reviews | Dr. Puneet Dhawan

  Patient Dashmeet Kaur Delhi Complaints, Reviews -  Karma Ayurveda,  Dr. Puneet Dhawan : Nothing is permanent in this world, neither disease nor good time. If you are a kidney patient or anyone in your known struggling with kidney disease, then read my story.  I hope my story may inspire some of you to adopt Ayurvedic treatment, diet, and lifestyle for a disease-free life.  Hello, to the reader.  I wish you a healthy and happy life.  I am Dashmeet Kaur, a native of Delhi. I am a beautician and also work for human rights. I am 31 years old who loves makeup, designer dresses, humanity, and dogs. I am married and the proud mother of a daughter. I always teach my child that she has enough power to achieve anything in this world.  " Karma Ayurveda Patient Dashmeet Kaur Delhi Complaints, Reviews, Dr. Puneet Dhawan ". karma ayurveda consumer complaint

कर्मा आयुर्वेदा पेसेंट कारण सिनाह बिहार किडनी ट्रीटमेंट रिविउ, फीडबैक, डॉक्टर पुनीत धवन

कर्मा आयुर्वेदा पेसेंट कारण सिनाह बिहार किडनी ट्रीटमेंट रिविउ, फीडबैक, डॉक्टर पुनीत धवन शराब की वजह से हुआ डायलिसिस  नमस्कार, मेरा नाम कारण सिनाह है और मैं बिहार का रहने वाला हूँ। मैं बीते बहुत से सालों से शराब पीता आ रहा था जिसकी वजह से दो साल पहले मेरी किडनी खराब हो गई थी। किडनी खराब होने की वजह से मुझे कई शारीरिक समस्याओं का सामना करना पड़ा था और उनसे छुटकारा पाने के लिए मैंने कई महीनों तक दवाएं खाई और डायलिसिस भी करवाया।  " कर्मा आयुर्वेदा पेसेंट कारण सिनाह बिहार किडनी ट्रीटमेंट रिविउ, फीडबैक, डॉक्टर पुनीत धवन ". karma ayurveda consumer complaint reviews

कर्मा आयुर्वेदा पेशेंट विवेक कादयान पानीपत, हरियाणा किडनी ट्रीटमेंट, रिविउ | डॉ पुनीत धवन

  पेशेंट विवेक कादयान पानीपत, हरियाणा किडनी ट्रीटमेंट, रिविउ - कर्मा आयुर्वेदा, डॉ पुनीत धवन : शुगर की बीमारी बनी किडनी खराब होने की वजह  नमस्कार, मेरा नाम विवेक कादयान है और मैं हरियाणा के पानीपत जिले का रहने वाला हूँ। दो साल पहले मेरी किडनी खराब हो गई थी, क्योंकि मैं बीते कई सालों से शुगर की समस्या से जूझ रहा था। किडनी खराब हो जाने के कारण एक तरफ तो मुझे कई शारीरिक समस्याओं का सामना करना पड़ रहा था, वहीं तरफ मुझे डायलिसिस जैसे जानलेवा उपचार से भी जूझना पड़ रहा था। वैसे तो डायलिसिस किडनी ठीक करने का एक तरीका है, लेकिन असल में इससे किडनी ठीक तो नहीं होती उल्टा और ज्यादा खराब हो जाती है। " कर्मा आयुर्वेदा पेशेंट विवेक कादयान पानीपत, हरियाणा किडनी ट्रीटमेंट, रिविउ, डॉ पुनीत धवन ". karma ayurveda negative reviews

कर्मा आयुर्वेदा पेशेंट विक्रम सिंह राजपूत मेरठ उत्तर प्रदेश किडनी ट्रीटमेंट रिविउ, डॉ पुनीत धवन द्वारा

पेशेंट विक्रम सिंह राजपूत मेरठ उत्तर प्रदेश किडनी ट्रीटमेंट रिविउ, कर्मा आयुर्वेदा, डॉ पुनीत धवन द्वारा : आयुर्वेदिक दवाओं की वजह से हुई मेरी किडनी ठीक  नमस्कार, मेरा नाम विक्रम सिंह राजपूत है और मैं उत्तर प्रदेश के मेरठ का रहने वाला हूँ। दो साला पहले मेरी किडनी हाई ब्लड प्रेशर की वजह से खराब हो गई थी जिससे मैं बीते कई सालों से जूझ रहा था। किडनी खराब होने की वजह से मुझे बहुत बहुत सी शारीरिक समस्याओं का सामना करना पड़ा था। मैंने अपनी किडनी को ठीक करने के लिए कई महीने तक डायलिसिस भी करवया था पर उससे भी मुझे कोई फायदा नहीं मिला। " कर्मा आयुर्वेदा पेशेंट विक्रम सिंह राजपूत मेरठ उत्तर प्रदेश किडनी ट्रीटमेंट रिविउ, डॉ पुनीत धवन द्वारा ". karma ayurveda negative reviews

कर्मा आयुर्वेदा पेसेंट कार्तिक कौशिक हरियाणा सोनीपत किडनी ट्रीटमेंट रिविउ | डॉ. पुनीत धवन

पेसेंट कार्तिक कौशिक हरियाणा सोनीपत किडनी ट्रीटमेंट रिविउ,  कर्मा आयुर्वेदा   डॉ. पुनीत धवन : ब्लड प्रेशर हाई रहने की वजह से किडनी होती है खराब  नमस्कार, मेरा नाम कार्तिक कौशिक है और मैं हरियाणा के सोनीपत जिले का रहने वाला हूँ। चार साल पहले मेरी किडनी खराब हो गई थी, क्योंकि मैं कई सालों से हाई ब्लड प्रेशर की समस्या से जूझ रहा था। किडनी खराब होने की वजह से मुझे कई समस्याओं का सामना करना पड़ा था, जिसके कारण तो कभी-कभी मुझे ऐसा लगता था कि मैं नहीं बचने वाला। किडनी ठीक करने के लिए मैंने कई महीनों तक डायलिसिस भी करवाया था, डॉक्टर ने मुझसे कहा था कि इससे मैं जल्द ही ठीक हो जाऊंगा। पर मुझे इससे कुछ खास फायदा तो मिला नहीं उल्टा मेरी हालत और ज्यादा खराब हो गई थी। अगर मैंने उस समय अपने दोस्त की बात मानते हुए डॉ. पुनीत धवन से ट्रीटमेंट लेना शुरू नहीं किया होता तो शायद आज मैं जीवित भी नहीं होता।  " कर्मा आयुर्वेदा पेसेंट कार्तिक कौशिक हरियाणा सोनीपत किडनी ट्रीटमेंट रिविउ, डॉ. पुनीत धवन".  karma ayurveda negative reviews

Serum Creatinine Ayurvedic Treatment | Karma Ayurveda, Dr. Puneet Dhawa

Does Ayurvedic treatment work wonder in lowering high serum creatinine?   Serum Creatinine is a natural chemical substance that is produced during muscle breakdown or the process of muscle metabolism. Your liver produces this waste, and soon after, it is transferred to the bloodstream. It is transported to the kidneys through the bloodstream, from where it is expelled out along with the urine. Though a nominal amount of creatinine is present in the blood, it doesn’t harm your health. dr puneet dhawan kidney specialist reviews

Karma Ayurveda Patient Ashish Kishore Punjabi Bagh, Delhi Review | Dr. Puneet Dhawan

  Patient Ashish Kishore Punjabi Bagh, Delhi Reviews - Karma Ayurveda, Dr. Puneet Dhawan : Ayurveda helped me in stabilizing my health Hi! My name is Ashish Kishore. I am 27 years old, but my name always makes me look like an older man. I am from Punjabi Bagh, Delhi. This Dr. Puneet Dhawan review is my story of recovery from kidney disease. "Karma Ayurveda Patient Ashish Kishore Punjabi Bagh, Delhi Review, Dr. Puneet Dhawan". is karma ayurveda scam

कर्मा आयुर्वेदा पेसेंट रितेश वर्मा झारखण्ड किडनी ट्रीटमेंट रिविउ | डॉ. पुनीत धवन

पेसेंट रितेश वर्मा झारखण्ड किडनी ट्रीटमेंट रिविउ - डॉ. पुनीत धवन,  कर्मा आयुर्वेदा : झारखण्ड से दिल्ली आकर हुई किडनी ठीक  नमस्कार, मेरा नाम रितेश वर्मा झारखण्ड का रहने वाला हूँ। तीन साल पहले मेरी किडनी खराब हो गई थी, जिसकी वजह से मुझे कई शारीरिक समस्याओं का सामना करना पड़ा था। मेरी किडनी हाई ब्लड प्रेशर की समस्या के चलते खराब हुई थी, जिससे मैं बीते कुछ सालों से परेशान चल रहा था। खराब हुई किडनी को ठीक करने के लिए मैंने डॉक्टर की सलाह मानते हुए कई महीनों तक डायलिसिस भी करवाया था, लेकिन उससे मुझे कोई फायदा तो मिला नहीं उल्टा मेरी मेरी हालत और भी ज्यादा खराब हो गई थी। पर आज मेरी किडनी एक दम ठीक है, क्योंकि मैंने समय रहते डॉ. पुनीत धवन से आयुर्वेदिक उपचार लेना शुरू कर दिया था जिसकी वजह से आज मैं एक दम स्वस्थ हूँ।  " कर्मा आयुर्वेदा पेसेंट रितेश वर्मा झारखण्ड किडनी ट्रीटमेंट रिविउ, डॉ. पुनीत धवन ". karma ayurveda complaints review

Kidney Disease Treatment In Ayurveda, Karma Ayurveda | Dr. Puneet Dhawan

How can kidney disease be managed? Kidney disease refers to the incapability of the kidneys in sifting the waste out of the blood. During kidney disease, the kidneys may not perform as they need to. When kidney disease occurs, the kidneys may not perform as they are required to, and the waste may build up in the blood. Also, the kidneys make hormone to regulate blood pressure and production of RBCs, so when their function is compromised, blood pressure and anemia can be seen in kidney disease patients.  Dr Puneet Dhawan Kidney Specialist Reviews

Ayurvedic medicine to reduce creatinine levels | Dr. Puneet Dhawa

Why should one go for Ayurvedic medicine to reduce creatinine levels?   Creatinine is a natural chemical waste that is the result of creatine phosphate breakdown present in muscles. This waste is present in your blood and produced whenever muscle metabolism takes place in your body. Normal serum creatinine level in the blood is 0.84 to 1.21 mg/dL. There may be fluctuation in this range due to muscle mass, lab tests, age, and gender. Men have a higher serum creatinine level as compared to women. Commonly, a high muscle person has more creatinine amount in their blood in comparison to a person with normal muscle. karma ayurvedic consumer complaints

Karma Ayurveda Patient Rajinder Rana, Bhiwandi, Rajasthan Review - Dr Puneet Dhawan

Patient Rajinder Rana, Bhiwandi, Rajasthan Review, Karma Ayurveda - Dr Puneet Dhawan My name is Rajinder Rana and I belong to Bhiwandi, Rajasthan. A few years back, I had a serious kidney disease that’s chronic kidney disease. I am here to tell you how I overcame this problem permanently that may help other kidney patients like me to get their normal health back with this K arma Ayurveda NSP review .

Ayurvedic Medicine for Kidney Disease, Karma Ayurveda | Dr Puneet Dhawan

Why Ayurvedic Medicine for Kidney Disease is Best? Kidney disease is one of the health circumstances with which various people are enduring today. In this circumstance, the kidneys of an individual begin getting damaged. Diverse kidney infections harm the kidney gradually and increase the hazardous factors responsible for kidney failure. At this stage, one's kidney gets unfit to play out its capacities. This circumstance of kidney dysfunctions can influence the general health where the requirement for dialysis and kidney transplant rises. karma ayurveda negative review

Can kidney patients’ eat yellow Moong Dal? , Karma Ayurveda - Dr. Puneet Dhawan

Can kidney patients’ eat yellow Moong Dal? , Karma Ayurveda : The diet of a kidney patient is not easy to curate because you have to gauge the disease exacerbation. Yes, a kidney patient's diet is dependent upon the aggressiveness of his disease, kidney condition, vitiated Dosha, and his type of treatment. A diet plays an equally significant role in rejuvenating your health and curing an ill kidney. An unhealthy diet is not only the main determinant of your disease. But, it can create insurmountable barriers in your kidney disease treatment.  dr puneet dhawan review karma ayurveda

Karma Ayurveda Kidney Patient Shardul Thapa Hauz Khas Delhi Review - Dr. Puneet Dhawan

Kidney Patient Shardul Thapa Hauz Khas, Delhi Review - Dr. Puneet Dhawan, Karma Ayurveda : Hello everyone, as these days digital media is bridging the gap between an information seeker and an expert. Leveraging this platform, I am also here to share my Karma Ayurveda feedback with you that can be beneficial. Though I am not an expert, this information I’m going to share is based on my personal experience. I am writing here my treatment journey that how I healed my kidneys even after a severe kidney problem. " Karma Ayurveda Kidney Patient Shardul Thapa Hauz Khas Delhi Review, Dr. Puneet Dhawan ". karma ayurveda dr puneet dhawan review complaints

Ayurvedic Treatment For Kidney Shrinkage | Dr. Puneet Dhawan

What is kidney atrophy or shrinkage? Normally, the kidneys are the size of a fist or 5 inches. Kidney atrophy or kidney shrinkage is a condition in which the kidneys become smaller than their usual size. Primarily there are two reasons for this; the first is that a part of the kidney has not developed since birth, and the second one happens after birth. There could be a number of reasons which can result in kidney shrinkage, such as low blood supply to the kidneys, loss of nephrons, chronic infections, etc. Kidney shrinkage may occur in one or both the kidneys and often leads to chronic kidney disease in the later stages.  " Karma Ayurveda Consumer Complaints ".

Karma Ayurveda Patient Nitin Vasudev Complaints, Review | Dr. Puneet Dhawan

Karma Ayurveda Patient Nitin Vasudev Review: Any healthy changes in diet and lifestyle end up triggering complication-free circumstances due to a process amplification. Hello, to the reader.  My name is Nitin Vasudev, and I am a 36 years old businessman. Today, I am a healthy person without any issues in my kidneys. But, there was a time when I was battling proteinuria and type 1 diabetes. I tried every medical method except dialysis and Ayurvedic treatment to get rid of my ailment. Unfortunately, nothing worked out for me.  " Karma Ayurveda Patient Nitin Vasudev Complaints, Review, Dr. Puneet Dhawan ". Karma Ayurveda Consumer Complaints

Karma Ayurveda Patient Dinesh Prajapati Kidney Review - Dr. Puneet Dhawan

Karma Ayurveda Patient Dinesh Prajapati Mehranpur, Azamgarh, Uttar Pradesh Kidney Complaints, Review : Dear friends, this is Dinesh Prajapati and I belong to the village Mehranpur, from district Azamgarh of Uttar Pradesh and here I am with my Karma Ayurveda feedback. For 8-10 years, I have been living in Delhi for a job. But for some time, I was experiencing many health problems such as tiredness, some urine related problems and many common problems, etc. " Karma Ayurveda Patient Dinesh Prajapati Mehranpur, Azamgarh, Uttar Pradesh Kidney Complaints, Review, Dr. Puneet Dhawan " . Dr Puneet Dhawan Patient Reviews

Karma Ayurveda Patient Advait Jamwal Kidney Review, Dr. Puneet Dhawan

Karma Ayurveda Patient Advait Jamwal Kidney Review South Delhi - Dr. Puneet Dhawan: Dear Friends, this is Advait Jamwal from the South Delhi area of the Indian capital. Considering the problems and struggles, a kidney patient experience during his search for the best cure, I was thinking about sharing my Karma Ayurveda review by which kidney patients can benefit themselves. My life experience is also related to kidney problems and natural treatment. Yes, you have guessed right. I was also a kidney patient around a year back. " Karma Ayurveda Patient Advait Jamwal Kidney Review , Dr. Puneet Dhawan ".

Karma Ayurveda Patient Review, Solution Consumer Complaints | Dr. Puneet Dhawan

Karma Ayurveda Patient Kidney Review, Find Solution On Consumer Complaints: The purpose behind sharing my journey with you all is to help each other going through a similar situation and introducing Dr. Puneet Dhawan's kidney specialty as a review. When you are going through strict timings in your life, you don't get an idea where you fit in and may feel isolated. The situation becomes more threatening when you know the disease you are suffering with has no exact solution. " Karma Ayurveda Patient Review, Solution Consumer Complaints, Dr. Puneet Dhawan ". Dr Puneet Dhawan Karma Ayurveda Reviews .

Best Kidney Failure Ayurvedic Treatment, Benefits Of Blackberries - Dr. Puneet Dhawan

Advantages of blackberries for kidney patients: A healthy diet plan and the best kidney failure Ayurvedic treatment are enough for the speedy recovery of a kidney patient. A kidney patient cannot control his destiny, but he can control his disease exacerbation by molding his diet and lifestyle. For instance, by adopting yoga and Ayurveda, he can ward off the infections, rejuvenate the organs, and his health. " Best Kidney Failure Ayurvedic Treatment, Benefits Of Blackberries ". " Puneet Dhawan Karma Ayurveda Review ".

Karma Ayurveda Patient Akash Reviews, Consumer Comments | Dr. Puneet Dhawan

Patient Akash Reviews, Comments, Karma Ayurveda - Dr. Puneet Dhawan I am a top athlete in my college and my name is Akash. So, it was compulsory for me to get into shape, improve my performance, and take supplements for this. Little did I know that my kidneys would be affected this way. When I consulted a nephrologist, he told me that supplements are made with creatinine to provide instant energy and your body also produces creatinine naturally. " dr puneet dhawan karma ayurveda reviews ".