Serum Creatinine Ayurvedic Treatment | Karma Ayurveda, Dr. Puneet Dhawa
Does Ayurvedic treatment work wonder in lowering high serum creatinine?
Serum Creatinine is a natural chemical substance that is produced during muscle breakdown or the process of muscle metabolism. Your liver produces this waste, and soon after, it is transferred to the bloodstream. It is transported to the kidneys through the bloodstream, from where it is expelled out along with the urine. Though a nominal amount of creatinine is present in the blood, it doesn’t harm your health. dr puneet dhawan kidney specialist reviews
The normal creatinine range in the blood is 0.84 to 1.21 mg/dL. But when your creatinine level exceeds this range, it may be an indication of poor kidney function. In this condition, serum creatinine Ayurvedic treatment is the best way to reduce creatinine levels naturally. Sometimes, stress, intake of high protein, and dehydration can also increase creatinine level temporarily.
The normal creatinine level varies as per the muscle mass, age, gender, and race. A little bit of variation in creatinine range is normal and doesn’t require any specific treatment.
How is the creatinine level measured?
In this condition, the creatinine blood test measures the level of creatinine in the blood. With the help of this test, it can be determined whether your kidneys are working well or not.
Another complementary test that is performed to measure creatinine value is the Creatinine Clearance test. But the test helps to measure how well your kidneys are clearing creatinine from your blood into the urine.
If your test reports have abnormal values of creatinine in blood and urine, it means your kidneys are in a miserable situation and, therefore, require a timely and proper cure and care. In this phase, where Allopathy uses artificial procedure dialysis to distinguish creatinine from your blood, on the other hand, Ayurveda suggests some certain lifestyle changes, herbal medicines, and natural procedures reduce and normalize your creatinine level. karma ayurveda patient complaint feedback
How is Ayurvedic treatment effective in high serum creatinine level?
Ayurveda is a natural way of healing that has a unique treatment approach to prevent or cure a health problem. Mainly this treatment works on the fundamentals of the body that cause problems in their disturbance or impaired condition. This remedial program only aims to normalize or fix the disturbed body fundamental to offer permanent relief to the patient.
In this process, Ayurveda utilizes some herbal medicines, therapies, and few routine changes. Herbal medicines are the main aspect of Ayurvedic treatment as these medicines help to remove complications and simultaneously to restore the health of the damaged organ. As a result, this natural treatment brings back the normal health of a patient by reviving his overall health and body functionality.
In high creatinine, Ayurvedic treatment applies its same-old but effective healing method that lowers your high serum creatinine naturally by working on its core causes. This holistic method doesn’t use any complicated or risky healing techniques, so it’s free from any risk and side-effects. karma ayurveda scam fake fraud
If you have persistently high creatinine level in the blood, then opting for the best Serum Creatinine Ayurvedic treatment can be beneficial. For that, one needs to find an experienced Ayurvedic hospital for kidney diseases in your access.
Contact an expert Ayurvedic kidney hospital and get rid of high creatinine complications effectively.
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