Kidney Treatment Without Dialysis, Ayurvedic Treatment | Dr. Puneet Dhawan
What is dialysis and how bad it is for our body?
kidney treatment without dialysis
Indeed dialysis is a life-saving treatment but not the permanent one. Why? because we cannot outbreak the laws of nature, which means there are many several functions of kidneys that aren't possible through dialysis. So if you think that dialysis could be your last resort then you might not be familiar with the end number of side-effects that a person on dialysis has to go through in order to live. This blog has covered all the relevant insights that will tell you the unseen or unheard negative effects of dialysis that are even life-threatening. Let's learn from scratch and know what exactly dialysis means its side effects, and why should go herbal to reverse and cure our kidneys. karma ayurveda dr puneet dhawan
What is dialysis?
Dialysis is a medical treatment that is done to purify blood to make it useable for the optimal functioning of the body. Our kidneys play a core process by filtering the blood from the harmful intoxicants that buildup inside our blood from time to time. The major function of a kidney is to expel waste products out from the body via urine. Dialysis is placed as an external source that helps to purify the blood and leaves salt, fluids, and other vital components inside the body in proportionate amount while the remains and unwanted components are categorized as waste products that flushed out through urine.
But, kidneys apart from purifying blood, kidneys have other pertinent functions that aren’t possible through dialysis such as -
Regulating the production of red blood cells
Monitoring the production of hormones
Keeping the level of salt, protein, and calcium in control.
Side effects of dialysis
Dialysis can be termed as a deadly cure that accompanied by some severe side effects. Here we’ve compiled a list of some side effect that people have to face during dialysis. karma ayurveda scam fake fraud
Low blood pressure
Low blood pressure occurs when your body has low water content during dialysis. Low blood pressure can cause dizziness and nausea. The best way to prevent low blood pressure is to take an adequate amount of fluid prescribed by your doctor or renal dietitian.
Muscle cramps
Some people also experience muscle cramps during dialysis, most often in the lower leg. This occurs when your muscles react to the loss of fluids during hemodialysis. It is recommended to consult your renal dietitian if you have severe muscle cramps.
itchy skin
Many people also experience itchy skin during dialysis. This can be caused by the development of minerals in the body during your dialysis sessions. Consult your doctor to know what kind of cream or moisturizer you can use to prevent itchy skin. karma ayurveda negative reviews
People at dialysis are at increased risk of getting afflicted by sepsis (Blood poisoning). This occurs when bacteria enter the body and spreads across the blood and leading to multiple organ failure. Warning symptoms are a high temperature of 38 degrees celsius or above and dizziness.
Other side effects
Other side effects od dialysis are
Joint pain
sexual disorder- erectile dysfunction
Dry mouth
Anxiety and depression
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