Karma Ayurveda Patient Raman Raghav Karol Bagh, Delhi Reviews | Dr. Puneet Dhawan
Patient Raman Raghav Karol Bagh, Delhi Reviews - Karma Ayurveda, Dr. Puneet Dhawan :
Hi, I am Raman Raghav. I am from Karol Bagh, Delhi. Here, I will share my Karma Ayurveda hospital review, my personal experience with kidney disease treatment. I am writing this on my mother's behalf. karma ayurveda patient complaints reviews
First of all, we all know Kidney diseases can be very troublesome. Even when someone suffers from kidney stones, they feel the unbearable pain. Kidney stones and many other kidneys issues are so common nowadays that each one of us must have a member in the family who had suffered from kidney stones at least. I researched and realized that more than a million people die of kidney diseases all around the world daily. Also, 10% of the world's population is suffering from chronic kidney disease only.
Coming back to my mother's story, she came to know she had stage 2nd stage of kidney failure in the year 2018. We had a plan to visit Murthal that day when she felt a massive pain. Although she had pain in her body always, it was massive enough to make her cry. Instead of going to Murthal, we took her to the doctor. Is karma ayurveda fraud scam fake treatment
Karma Ayurveda Patient Raman Raghav Karol Bagh, Delhi Reviews | Dr. Puneet Dhawan
There she had undergone many imaging tests and blood tests and what came in the result was like a direct shock to us that hit us hard. Earlier, when she had issues with her body, she used to take some over the counter pills and get back to her household chores.
I guess it was our fault that we never took her health seriously and discarded it in the pretense of tiredness due to her hectic schedule at home. If I had known it earlier, I would have done the best for her. This is why; I want to tell you all to take good care of your loved ones' health and health. No one knows what can happen next.
We changed many hospitals, switched medicines, undergone dialysis even, but we had a limit as far as we could go. We had to stop all this as my mother was not getting any better. Her health was like a pendulum, going back and forth and but not recovering fully. dr puneet dhawan kidney specialist reviews
Karma Ayurveda Patient Raman Raghav Karol Bagh, Delhi Reviews | Dr. Puneet Dhawan
My Aunt saw a video of Karma Ayurveda on YouTube, where a lady was claiming that she recovered from kidney failure completely. She forwarded us the link, and I was so shocked; it seemed like a hoax to me at first. But there were more videos and much other helpful stuff on their channel that convinced me to take my mother to that place. We decided to visit the place and see if something happens.
We got an appointment with Dr. Puneet Dhawan. He examined her and said the same thing that her kidneys were failing. Something new that I got to hear here was, "Alright, it would be done. We aim to stop kidney dialysis and treat the patient in the most effective way possible." After being disappointed by the modern treatment, it was our time to hope for the good from Mother Nature Ayurveda. I feel so relieved today that my mother is doing absolutely healthy in life because of the magical Ayurvedic medicines.
My mother's treatment was a long process inclusive of herbal medicines, yoga, diet, and meditation. But the changes in her condition was so apparent with every test she underwent after that. My mother is healthy without any dialysis now. All thanks to Dr. Puneet Dhawan and his team of Karma Ayurveda. find karma ayurveda negative reviews
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