Karma Ayurveda Patient Aanya Sharma Kidney Treatment Reviews | Dr. Puneet Dhawan

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Patient Aanya Sharma Kidney Treatment Reviews, Dr. Puneet Dhawan, Karma Ayurveda :

I am Aanya Sharma, a content writer at one of the best influential companies. In this blog, I have shared my kidney disease journey. And I also mentioned some important facts related to Dr. Puneet Dhawan and his focuses on Ayurvedic medications. dr puneet dhawan reviews

I was introduced to Dr. Puneet Dhawan through one of my friends. I was suffering from chronic kidney disease, and for that, I took Ayurvedic treatment from Doctor Puneet.  When I approached him for the treatment, my creatinine level was elevated to 9.67mg/dL. At that time, I was on dialysis and feeble that I couldn’t have my meal without my caregivers’ help. I was depressed and unhappy due to my health issues. 

But, hopefully, Dr. Puneet Dhawan helped me a lot. He prescribed me some medicines, a healthy diet plan, and precautions to prevent kidney failure. I followed his words, and today, I am free from dialysis. I got relieved from chronic kidney disease and its related complications. Is karma ayurveda fake scam fraud

Karma Ayurveda Patient Aanya Sharma Kidney Treatment Reviews | Dr. Puneet Dhawan

Dr. Puneet Dhawan provides authentic Ayurvedic treatments for all kidney organ-related disorders. Having started up with own Ayurvedic kidney care establishment, Karma Ayurveda, Dr. Puneet Dhawan began operating as a professional with personal power. Therefore, the capital earned from his one year of operating expertise. 

Whoever is reading this blog, if you or anyone in your knowledge have kidney disease, please adopt Ayurvedic treatment. It is the best way to rejuvenate your diseased or damaged kidney without dialysis or a kidney transplant. karma ayurveda consumer complaints


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